Quotes about resurfaced (9 Quotes)

    Generally tracks get faster, temporarily, after they are resurfaced. Then they go back to normal. If there is a problem, we're staying in close touch with Humpy and the people at Lowe's and we'll deal with it.

    I abused drugs for about seven months, ... It started in the summer of 1987 when I was nineteen years old. I was out of school, running around with the wrong crowd. I was doing lace a mixture of crack and marijuana. And what happened was, in my mind, the drug became the only value that mattered. I was involved in something that I'd lost control over. My responsibilities become secondary to the drug. I began to change as a person. I was acting crazy. Finally, one night, I went into my mother's room when she was sleeping, woke her up, and told her, 'Mom I'm in trouble. I have a problem.' She was like, 'What are you talking about' And I said, 'Mom I'm messed up. I'm using drugs.' We cried all night. She was very hurt, and I felt horrible because of the shame and hurt I was bringing her. Neither of us was educated on the matter, but we found out where I could go to get help. I went into a residential rehab program for six months. I had to do some rebuilding. They educated me about my problems and my purpose in life, and I'm a better person now because of the experience. I learned from my mistake and put it behind me. I could have given up on myself. I know people who have battled drugs for years and never kicked the habit. But I beat it. It never resurfaced, and I'm very proud of that.

    I don't know if she can try to do what she did last year, that it would be too much to ask of her. But she'll take her times down. That's where she can improve. Having the Jersey City Armory resurfaced will help her times come down, because she now has a place to train. I think she's beginning to see the real picture now, just bringing her times down and seeing how far she can go with it.

    If only Bradley's minor heart problem hadn't surfaced just at the time of the Iowa vote, then resurfaced in the New York Times the Sunday before New Hampshire when we were coming on strong.

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