Quotes about rethink (16 Quotes)

    All that stuff was fun, but I'm glad we didn't rethink the show. It is what it is, a throwback that isn't like anything else out there. It has that deliberate, artificial feel to it. It's something from the soundstage era. People haven't seen that for a while, so it seems fresh. It came along at the right time.

    Actually, the funny thing is, after all these years, I've got all these new songs to learn for the show we're doing at Joe's Pub, so it's kind of fun to get down and rehearse new things, and also rethink some of the older songs, how we're going to do them.

    The grid demonstrates that government, business and society can be the direct beneficiary of innovation if we are willing to rethink the way innovation and science both develop and prosper.

    And there was a movement afoot to take another year off, and if we had been able to do that, and rethink everything, I think when we came back it would have been very different.

    They should rethink the entire flood protection system of New Orleans. It is a real hodgepodge of authority. If there was a coordinated effort, more could be done with less money.

    To improve highways, we should rethink the way revenues are raised instead of only increasing them. The present highway finance system can remain viable for some time, but the right reforms might give us a system that not only pays for roads, but also allows us to manage traffic flow and ensure that scarce funds are invested in projects with the greatest public benefit.

    The White House promoted a number of nominees that we believe demonstrated hostility to civil rights, women's rights and to matters of concern to many Americans. We certainly hope the administration will use this opportunity surrounding the Lott controversy to rethink some of its nominees.

    Much like the Democrats had to rethink their dwindling status when they were running on gun control and abortion every election, you can't just appeal to the core of your electorate.

    This is an opportunity for a broad PBS audience to watch a program and see what some very smart people think about thinking. It's kind of like a workout tape for your mind, and why wouldn't you want to take advantage of an opportunity to rethink your assumptions, your beliefs and some of your values.

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