Quotes about retrenchment (15 Quotes)

    We're slowing down our growth in spending in Asia, but we're not going into a retrenchment mode. That would be stupid. We think Asia will come back eventually,

    The sharp pullback in economic growth during the final three months of 2005 shows the law of gravity has not been repealed. When consumers are burdened with heavy debt loads, rising interest rates, higher energy costs, no personal savings and household income growth that falls below inflation, something had to give. This retrenchment in spending was generally foreseen, though economists weren't sure on the timing and magnitude.

    The retrenchment in equities will undoubtedly affect the economy later in the year. This is not just a correction, it's an economic event that could affect consumer confidence and consumer spending down the road, leading to a more pronounced slowdown than the Fed is currently factoring in.

    If you stash money away in a savings account, then there's less available to buy things in a store, from candy to cars, ... This is not quite the conventional retrenchment we've known from past recessions, but it may represent a kind of wishy-washy stagnation.

    Because there was little retrenchment during the cyclical downturn, the potential for a significant acceleration in activity in the household sector is likely to be more limited than in past business cycles,

    This is what the Federal Reserve has been warning about for a long time -- we will still see consumer spending growth, but it will be more moderate than before, ... It's a retrenchment of consumer spending growth from blistering levels.

    While perhaps showing some retrenchment in manufacturing activity, the data nevertheless reveal that there are price pressures perhaps building in the pipeline. I think right now it keeps the Fed on their toes and does not dissuade at all the argument that they will consider tightening again in May.

    Housing is the one key sector that is supposed to be interest-rate sensitive, but at least so far, rates have not risen enough to cause a major retrenchment.

    There are some parallels in the sense that the (USA) Patriot Act represents some retrenchment of our civil liberties and free speech. It is not as raw and blatant as the Sedition Act, but it represents an effort by government and the Congress to bolster security at the price of liberty - not just the Patriot Act, but the language and rhetoric and debate over who is more patriotic.

    The U.S. economy appears to have withstood a set of blows -- major declines in equity markets, a sharp retrenchment in investment spending, and the tragic terrorist attacks of last September -- that in previous business cycles almost surely would have induced a severe contraction,

    There are figures that show roughly 50 percent of households have exposure to equities in some form, and clearly we would start to see a dip in consumer confidence and some retrenchment in spending from the recent sell-off, I don't think this is necessarily the beginning of a bear market.

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