Quotes about retro (16 Quotes)

    The metro camp is trying very hard to commemorate Rabin and do as many things as possible to mention his name, call new places and streets by his name, and preach his legacy. The retro are trying to negate all that. They're saying it's a not a trauma at all.

    What I think happens today is that a lot of filmmakers look at other films that are retro pieces, like L.A. Confidential, and say, oh, that's period. We didn't want to do the stereotypical stuff.

    Retro looking stuff but a lot of these guys doing these shows are my age or younger. I was just disgusted. I hated being around that kind of thing. Not that it affected what I did because when it comes down to it I was doing my own show.

    Eclecticism is the degree zero of contemporary general culture one listens to reggae, watches a western, eats McDonald's food for lunch and local cuisine for dinner, wears Paris perfume in Tokyo and ''retro'' clothes in Hong Kong knowledge is a matter for TV games. It is easy to find a public for eclectic works.

    I don't know if England lags behind the States or is ahead of the States. We've finished with the '70s retro chic revival, we've done the '80s retro-chic revival and on to the '90s.

    It is a curious thing about Spam that in the Far East, it is taken very seriously, while in the United States, particularly on college campuses, it has this quirky, kitschy retro feel to it.

    Taitolegends.com is a one stop site for retro gamers, ... The site gives you endless information on all the Taito classics, downloads, competitions, hints and tips and much more. Retro gaming lovers can also join our forum and become part of our retro gaming community

    That's one of the fallacies at the end of the selection process, when you hear people say (the committee) didn't know. Believe me, there's nothing those people don't know. They know the first time you wear retro jerseys.

    I was feeling a little nostalgic this season, so we updated some of our winning knit looks and many of the classic tailored pieces we've become known for. But, this revival doesn't mean retro. We've given knits new body-conscious shapes ... it's like wearing a second skin.

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