Quotes about revitalizing (8 Quotes)

    High-end financial, IT, creative and strategic jobs are strong and growing in numbers here. Companies that abandoned the city 30 years ago are coming back and revitalizing and rebuilding the city and its neighborhoods, bringing top talent back into the city and, in turn, bringing more companies back.

    At first, I thought money invested into revitalizing main streets rather than industrial development was like throwing money down a rat hole. But now many people are moving out of the big cities to escape the rat race. They want to move to small, charming towns that offer a sense of place.

    We love this area and we think it's a great town and area to do business in. We decided this is where we wanted to establish our roots. We just loved the downtown feel. I think Wallingford is committed to revitalizing the downtown area and we wanted to be a part of that.

    Part of revitalizing downtown is supporting the arts and the artists, ... I would like to see downtown Richmond come back to life. Richmond is always on the verge . . . it's time to go beyond that.

    Through the commitment of its ownership and the strength of its leadership, the Toronto Argonauts have done an outstanding job at revitalizing its brand and this market's passion for Canadian football,

    The arts can play a vital role in revitalizing neighborhoods, using and improving vacant space, bringing new jobs and new sense of opportunity, and improving public safety by generating more foot traffic and more eyes on the street.

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