Quotes about rices (13 Quotes)

    Let's declassify that memo I sent on January 25. And let's declassify the national security directive that Dr. Rice's committee approved nine months later, on September 4. And let's see if there's any difference between those two, because there isn't,

    It was a hard-fought game. A real battle the entire time. There were so many lead changes that no lead was safe. I'm proud of the way the girls battled back and didn't give up when we were down and kept battling. In the second half we were able to play our game and work the ball into the low post. and we started to drain our free throws. But to Rice's credit they played some solid defense all game.

    Those were some tough calls. I don't remember us getting the benefit. Even the last play (Rice's drive to the basket), there's contact driving to the basket and that's (no foul). We make contact and it's a foul. Its unfortunate. We played well enough and I thought we would earn the respect of the officials, but maybe it didn'tt work out that way.

    Dr. Rice's record on Iraq gives me great concern. In her public statements she clearly overstated and exaggerated the intelligence concerning Iraq before the war in order to support the President's decision to initiate military action against Iraq.

    Most members have not decided yet. We will know better about the situation on the Hill by Friday after secretary of state Rice's testimony. She will be the most articulate and persuasive advocate of the agreement.

    The objective of the trip is to move the diplomatic process forward started by Secretary of State Rice's new initiative that has allowed for serious bilateral talks within the six party format,

    I was surprised by the pictures of U. S. military officers in complete uniform and fully armed, which were published in a newspaper during (Rice's) visit to an Islamic elementary school. I agree that was too much.

    I mentioned to Rice's athletic director that we could host the game, but the reason for playing the game on Oct. 22 is logical because we both have open dates, ... It was a coincidence that we had the same open date, but if we didn't, it might have been the logical choice to play the game here.

    Dr. Rice's speech suggests that at the very least there was a disconnect between the public security message and the policy prescriptions top White House officials were pushing and the private warnings federal agencies were issuing about imminent threats to our homeland,

    But to others, Rice's testimony served as an effective response to recent criticism 8212 and will probably help ease some of the controversy. I don't think the Bush administration could have been better served, ... This was a brilliant performance 8212 and I say this as a critic of the Bush administration on a lot of things.

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