Quotes about rickys (15 Quotes)

    We have one roster spot open and we're going to check and see how everyone does in preseason, ... There is a spot available if someone would show us that they're warranting that spot. Ricky's done a nice job. He's very explosive, can score the basketball. So it's been very interesting watching him in preseason.

    Ricky's never been interested in the business side of things, ... All Richard is interested in is boxing. Even when I could get him to come along to meetings he'd sit there and text his mates the whole time and wouldn't pay a bit of attention. After some meetings I've turned to him and said 'Do you want to know what that means' and he's just said 'No, you deal with that, dad, I just want to fight'.

    And, ... I was a little bit pensive, not unlike Ricky Williams. I understand, I think, some of what he was sensing. Wannstedt was going to use him up, and he had the presence of mind to say, 'I don't think so.' They weren't going anywhere last year, and perhaps he sensed that, too. Look, Ricky's got his problems -- don't we all But when I watched him Monday, he was thoughtful. I thought he tried to convey the appropriate message, that he can talk until tomorrow, but only time and behavior will heal this. I like that he said he had no big message. I do applaud Ricky Williams. . . . Do not confuse Ricky Williams and Terrell Owens. I'm not impressed with T. O. and what he's doing.

    I think 2 12 years of evaluating and watching practice every day and watching Ricky's performance on and off the court and in the locker room and everything else, we felt it was better to look in a different direction.

    Ricky's a good locker room guy. He knows the skills of the trade. I think he's helped some of our young receivers and he's helped our football team on the field.

    I thought Ricky did the best job at halftime. He made a great statement, and that's what you need. Ricky's an upperclassman and when those guys start making statements and demands than we can become a good team.

    This was probably Ricky's best overall game out there, in terms of him having some space to work in, not only as a runner, but a couple of times as a receiver as well.

    Ricky's not new to the league. I've seen him play. He's seen me play. We lose a lot of games being robotic. We haven't had any practice time. But it's basketball at the end of the day. It's beautiful.

    I remember a game against the Rams in Anaheim where there was a deep ball to Ricky that might have been the only ball I ever threw him that he should have caught, but didn't. He dropped it. Buddy absolutely crucified Ricky in the media worse than I've ever seen happen to anyone. But Ricky then is just like Ricky now. He's a total pro and he just kept working. Buddy Ryan tried to bury both Ricky and I while we were there. He was pretty good at that kind of stuff and he ruined some careers. I survived it and Ricky's still surviving it.

    I think we've seen a few glimpses of that with Ricky and myself both being in the backfield at the same time, ... Ricky's had success on this level. For myself, it's good being in a game with somebody that can draw attention and take a little bit of attention away from me.

    I wish there was some big, like, deal about what happened today, ... But Ricky's been coming here. He's been going to meetings every day. He's been allowed to work out every day. He just has not practiced with the team.

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