Quotes about riverview (9 Quotes)

    The administration and staff at Riverview believe investing in the future of our youth by exposing them to educational opportunities and life's possibilities is vital to this community's survival and prosperity, ... We are intent on helping these children build dreams that will lead them to higher education and we need the entire community's assistance to do this.

    We're heartbroken. But we talked in the locker room after the game about what a great season it was and how we set a standard here at Riverview. We plan on being back here.

    Jimmy came to practice Tuesday with a stiff neck so I held him out of Wednesday's match with Riverview (Lemon Bay lost 7-0). He could have played today, but I had plenty of other kids who could play so I decided why take a chance.

    We played extremely well in the first half. The kids were playing with confidence. We felt pretty good going into the second half. Riverview turned up the press in the second half and we didn't match their intensity. We just folded.

    At Riverview Middle School, every child will be allowed to dream without boundaries, ... If the community provides us with the tools we need to help break down boundaries, we can help each student visualize and realize his or her own dream.

    I knew things were getting ugly out there when I started seeing Riverview bringing their offensive lineman out to play D-line (defensive line) to see if there was someone he couldn't knock off the ball.

    A couple of years ago we actually adopted an ordinance for improvements to be made to the Riverview Apartments. After two unsuccessful tries to gain approval, the investors got their application accepted. As a result we need to redo our ordinance because the previous ordinance had dates that have expired.

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