Quotes about rodham (6 Quotes)

    Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton are the most interesting and intriguing public figures of our time. Whether you support them or not, people acknowledge their dynamic personalities, strong following and ability to do things throughout the world.

    The Final Report in the FBI files matter concludes that there was no substantial and credible evidence that any senior White House official, or First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, was involved in seeking confidential Federal Bureau of Investigation background reports of former White House staff from prior administrations of President Bush and President Reagan .

    At Hatch's hearing Wednesday, Democratic Sen. Robert Torricelli, of New Jersey, who was instrumental in pushing forward Hillary Rodham Clinton's Senate bid in New York, leveled his harshest criticism yet at the president. I regret greatly the actions of President Clinton, ... I hope the committee will learn more about his motivations and the process so that it's never repeated.

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