Quotes about roi (16 Quotes)

    Consumers show more likelihood to adopt a device recognition solution, and therefore the implementation bodes well for positive ROI and continued use of the online channel.

    The alarming part is that little is being done to change cultural behavior. End-user awareness of security issues is a big problem in companies. Organizations that provide security training to employees will see ROI.

    A big benefit to software-as-service is that it lets companies get CRM in place quickly without the kind of budget hassles you see with buying applications, ... There's a feeling, especially among small and midsize businesses, that a hosted solution will help realize ROI more quickly.

    The addition of Forum Systems to our RSA Secured Partner Program further validates our ability to help customers achieve faster time to deployment and lower overall cost of ownership through certified interoperability with industry leading products. As the implementation of Web Services and service-oriented architectures continue to drive new revenue opportunities, Forum Systems plays an important role by enabling enterprises to achieve a higher ROI through real-time business process integration and automation.

    Most advertising ROI models only represent a scorecard of the past. We have developed a methodology and software that can be a planning tool, a communications tool, an intervention tool, and a predictive tool to help marketers' better effect the ROI of their campaigns.

    I hope other companies in the racing business will join us in supporting the RTIP initiative. It has the potential to produce an extraordinary level of ROI for track owners and operators, horsemen and suppliers.

    Sometimes it's tough to devise a compelling ROI analysis for the data security expenses contemplated by an enterprise. But, when a business looks at the cost of compromised client and corporate data, along with its exposure to heavy fines imposed by the federal government, the message is clear. Look at data and network security as a selling point, not only a cost to the business, ... It's an investment in your customers that they will appreciate.

    A good solution provider spells out the costs and benefits for a project implementation before work begins and stays focused on helping a client achieve those business results. Any price for technology is too expensive if you don't understand and can identify the business benefits you'll get from its implementation. A good solution provider can talk ROI, cycle times, defect rates and unit costs in ways that small business decision makers can relate to.

    Our clients demand the latest in communications technology to stay ahead of their competitors and drive order flow. Our creative technology and development team are consistently striving to provide more intelligent, targeted communications and ROI tools to our clients.

    Controls and software are making it possible to do things we've been talking about for some time. IT capability continues to get better and better. That means more and more people are prepared to make a change in their business models. As long as we have good data, we can take almost any level of equipment, integrate it and give a great ROI.

    It's a chicken or the egg principal. Carriers and brokers are asking 'who is going to adopt this first. 'Who is going to be the leader to build an ACORD XML interface' The risk is the first one out there is going to have to find a partner to do it with to try to get some type of ROI.

    As click fraud continues to artificially increase the cost of online advertising, erode the return on investment to advertisers, and continues to reach beyond search marketing into affiliate marketing and display advertising, we feel that Litmus' reliable solution to protect our advertising clients' investment is a key ingredient to being more effective in maximizing the ROI from their online advertising spend and provides us with a competitive, proprietary, competitive advantage in the marketplace.

    TechTarget's commitment to accountability and advertiser ROI has made its online properties our preferred media for lead generation, ... When we learned TechTarget was bringing that same commitment to online branding, we were quick to sign up. As a result of our TargetROI Brand program with TechTarget, we can now demonstrate conclusively that banner advertising with strong creative on a TechTarget site enabled us to achieve dramatic shifts in awareness, consideration, and purchase intent. We believe this will create a climate that will help us convert future leads to sales more quickly.

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