Quotes about rollovers (8 Quotes)

    Both Ford and Volvo have looked at injury and fatality rates in rollovers involving vehicles that meet the federal standard to vehicles that have roof strengths that are multiples of the federal standard, and there isn't a difference.

    We've got seven normal trading days until futures closeout and there is a large open interest on the March contract of about 200-odd thousand. It is probably going to be one of the largest closeouts with the result that we can see rollovers and a lot of them.

    What stability control prevents is a skid or a slide, and that's what leads to rollovers in SUVs.

    We've looked at a number of different alternatives and ways to measure rollover predictability. There are rollovers you can create on the test track and there are mathematical formulas. We're still trying to see if one is more accurate than the other and then we'll decide which is fairest to use.

    I talked to his friends and told them to take him out and tell him that I wasn't going to fire him. I did not roll over his contract. I don't like rollovers anyway, but that did make a statement. He made some changes and turned it around. He's done a terrific job.

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