Quotes about roofs (16 Quotes)

    I think what we're finding across the church is that people are tired of just writing the check for the mission. They really want to do it. We made a commitment to the city to put up 50 roofs over the next couple of months. We hope to perhaps complete 25 this week with the crews that we have.

    Bright portals of the sky, Emboss'd with sparkling stars, Doors of eternity, With diamantine bars, Your arras rich uphold, Loose all your bolts and springs, Ope wide your leaves of gold, That in your roofs may come the King of Kings. O well-spring of this All Thy Father's image vive Word, that from nought did call What is, doth reason, live The soul's eternal food, Earth's joy, delight of heaven All truth, love, beauty, good To thee, to thee be praises ever given O glory of the heaven O sole delight of earth To thee all power be given, God's uncreated birth Of mankind lover true, Indearer of his wrong, Who doth the world renew, Still be thou our salvation and our song.

    Right now we're at war, and then you have Hurricane Katrina, where there are people on roofs screaming for help. I have this feeling that civilization could collapse, and that if you go overseas, you could get killed, that you could be in the middle of nowhere, and that someone could kill you and no one would find you. This film is also about the dark side of human nature. Everyone's life has a price. I want the audience to feel guilty. I want them to feel sick to their stomach, but by the end they're screaming for blood. Everyone has this evil within them.

    Portugal is a high hill with a white watch tower on it flying signal flags. It is apparently inhabited by one man who lives in a long row of yellow houses with red roofs, and populated by sheep who do grand acts of balancing on the side of the hill.

    It was morning; through the high window I saw the pure, bright blue of the sky as it hovered cheerfully over the long roofs of the neighboring houses. It too seemed full of joy, as if it had special plans, and had put on its finest clothes for the occasion.

    At times it is hard to ignore the comparisons between Baghdad (where I was less than a month ago and have spent more of the last two years) and New Orleans The anarchy, the looting, some of it purely for survival, some of it purely opportunistic. We watched a flatbed truck drive by, a man on the back with an M-16 looking up on the roofs for snipers, as is common in Iraq. Private security contractors were stationed outside the Royal St. Charles Hotel when asked if things were getting pretty wild around the area, one of them replied, Nope. It's pretty Green Zone here.'

    Well, it was just, the bars was all just like the bamboo roofs and everything. You know. As I say, to me, it's completely spoiled all, all these places now. Make them all just tourist traps.

    Now the finger pointing will start, everyone having someone else to blame but at the end of the day, Sacramento failed to reach what was an easy compromise. Ultimately the problem with the Million Solar Roofs bill wasn't the policy, it was the politics.

    did not include the recruitment of the children, and when we were filming, in the scene where the children are lying down on top of the roofs, I asked, 'Oscar, why are they on the roofs' and he said, 'Because the army was coming to take them away,' and he hadn't included that in the script because for him it wasn't important, it was everyday life.

    A lot of barns in those days had arrows painted on their roofs and other messages to let the pilots known they were still on course. And those guys used to joke that the early airplanes were made of sticks and wires.

    I've already put a new roof on the main building and repaired the roofs on the other two buildings. Now I'm waiting on insurance money for the rest of the repairs. I've been ready to begin for three months, but the insurance company has been very very slow and resistant.

    His unit is in charge of 5,000 homes, and they've only been able to search about 2 percent of them. People are standing on roofs or sticking their hands out of air vents so they can get rescued.

    So they all went away from the little log house. The shutters were over the windows, so the little house could not see them go. It stayed there inside the log fence, behind the two big oak trees that in the summertime had made green roofs for Mary and Laura to play under.

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