Quotes about rotator (10 Quotes)

    The increasing use of short-term assignments is actually a global trend. Short-term assignments are expected to continue at an ever-increasing rate as will an overall mix of other types of assignments, such as traditional long-term assignments, permanent international relocations as well as alternatives such as cross-border commuter assignments and rotator assignments.

    They say he's ahead of where he was last year. Now how much that is - I am hesitant because two rotator cuffs is, and a guy who makes his living throwing the ball, I'm hesitant to say he's way ahead. We've got to be careful with it.

    According to a (Milwaukee) Brewers doctor, a specialist in shoulders, it is a rotator cuff (injury). He's been cleared to swim and I was real happy with that.

    Sami last week had a collision with one of our players when they were fooling around. He hurt his shoulder and had an MRI performed on him yesterday. The results were that he's got a slap tear, they call that, and a partial thickness tear of his rotator cuff. He'll have surgery early next week, and will miss approximately 10 weeks from the date of surgery.

    We're going in to try to find out what is going on, ... At this point in time, with the way he's pitching now, we're not anticipating anything significant. You don't throw a baseball as long as he has without some sort of rotator cuff fraying or some sort of labrum fraying. We're going to check everything out and make sure we don't miss anything.

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