Quotes about rough-and-tumble (6 Quotes)

    Peter is an IT professional who is not accustomed to the rough-and-tumble world of politics. He found the last few months to be very distasteful, especially the Boston Globe article that seemed to imply some sort of improper influence related to his conference travel.

    He skated again this morning and the next step is for him to join the team and be exposed to some rough-and-tumble play. I think that's sooner rather than later.

    Jesus, like all other religious leaders, taught men to pray, that is, He taught them to look away from the world of ordinary sense impressions and to open the heart and spirit to God yet He is always insistent that religion must be related to life. It is only by contact with God that a better quality of living can be achieved and Jesus Himself, as the records show, spent many hours in communion with God yet that new quality of life has to be both demonstrated and tested in the ordinary rough-and-tumble of plain living. It is in ordinary human relationships that the validity of a man's communion with God is to be proved.

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