Quotes about runways (12 Quotes)

    I want to break ground because time costs money to us building the runways and to our passengers. What kind of value can you place on someone's time when you miss your son's Little League game because you are sitting in a plane on a runway waiting to take off That's the MasterCard commercial. Time is priceless. That's why we need to modernize O'Hare.

    The shift we are seeing is that folks need greater protection, and travel insurance companies are taking a closer look, ... When these hurricanes hit, one of the priorities is to restore local infrastructure which, of course, includes roadways and runways, but many times the hotels and rental homes have been greatly damaged. The companies recognize this and are beginning to broaden their protection plans.

    We have a little bit of hope because the airport radar ... had an animal about her size moving toward the runways last night. They sent out a patrol to check and they found nothing. It's all totally grasping at straws, but it's something.

    You could see planes parked on both sides of the runways all the way from the office to the wind vane. The colors were brilliant in the May sunshine. I just hate to see the sun set on such an American icon, the small turf havens of aviation.

    Our runways are all grass, one of the last turf airports in the state. The two runways form a 'T' with one nearly east to west and the other north to south. One is 1,600 feet long and the other is 2,300 feet.

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