Quotes about rupp (13 Quotes)

    It's definitely more than just winning at Rupp Arena. You have to look at the big picture. The record doesn't really mean anything to us right now. We're all about getting a ring and a championship. It's prestigious to beat Kentucky, but we're not here to just beat one team.

    Coach Rupp was kind of an iconic figure. He led the greatest basketball program in the country and was an easy target for those who say he didn't do enough. Whether he did or didn't can be argued.

    If you're a sophomore here, we use it as a motivational factor. ... It's a real motivation. If a kid gets to be on the floor and warm up in Rupp Arena and experience what the state tournament is like, especially if you get to Friday or Saturday, you'll understand why they call it the Sweet Sixteen.

    They're all good basketball players who understand the game and work well together. We just need them to put four more good games together and get us to Rupp Arena (for the state tournament).

    I remember how small it was, ... It was bigger than our locker room, but maybe only twice the size. It wasn't massive by any stretch of the imagination, but you have to understand that if you see the Wilt Chamberlain jersey, if you see Adolph Rupp, if you see the Texas Western team - the picture of them - that was all kind of awe-inspiring.

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