Quotes about sacramento (16 Quotes)

    I knew in the first half we were not playing Sacramento basketball, ... I knew I was struggling, I was forcing too many things. I just kept my composure and like I said, my teammates are always going to have my back.

    There was some very good competition there from all over Sacramento, and Randall did a good job. The kid ahead of him was one of best throwers in his area.

    This is a very serious campaign violation, and we are urging the appropriate authorities to investigate and take action immediately before this front group has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to buy this Assembly race for the candidate of Sacramento insiders.

    We are trying to take this one game at a time and not get ahead of ourselves. We know we need Sacramento to lose a couple and we need to win. That's why tonight was a great victory.

    But the ACLU argues that ending assistance to women and minorities will open the door to the discrimination that affirmative action was intended to remedy. In 1978, The City of Los Angeles gave 2 percent of its contracts to minority and women business enterprises. Sacramento gave zero percent. Now those numbers are up to 10-15 percent, ... It (Proposition 209) is really resegregation in California.

    Obviously, we need to do a better job of preparing ourselves for high quality opponents like this. When we are battling adversity, as well as our opponent, we need to keep our composure and play our game. We didn't do that today and the final stats told the whole story. Hopefully, we can put this game behind us and come in focused tomorrow against Sacramento State.

    Clearly the governor got the message of the special election. The question is whether the words translate into action in Sacramento and move the state in the direction the governor says he would like to go and the public says they would like to go.

    The opportunities we had to see him play big minutes -- when Brad Miller went down, he was forced into the starting lineup with Sacramento -- he played well in that role. He knows and we know that's not a role he's necessarily comfortable in. But he's shown the ability to shoot the ball well. We weren't really sure what kind of a defender he was going to be. We've been pleasantly surprised with the way he's come in and picked up our concepts and things we're trying to execute.

    I can only imagine how upset the Sacramento State men's basketball team must be. On behalf of the University of Montana, I express our deepest and most sincere apology.

    I feel like we're walking a tightrope. I feel (tonight) it's going to be the game that we've got to play perfect basketball. It's possible. ... and I think (tonight) is going to be the game that the whole Sacramento Monarchs team shows up to play because who wants to go back to Connecticut I don't.

    What's striking is the near unanimity of many of the opinions and attitudes expressed by these businesses. The majority (55.4 percent) say they are better off now than a year ago, and an astonishing 84 percent of businesses -- and nearly 90 percent of San Francisco and Sacramento firms surveyed -- believe their businesses will be even better off a year from now. Their expectations of sales and revenue increases and anticipation that their individual businesses will do better paints a picture far more optimistic than we could have imagined. They simply are not letting anything get them down.

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