Quotes about safe-haven (10 Quotes)

    A lot of dedicated Latin American investors put money in Mexico betting on its safe-haven status. As things looked like they were heading for a full-blown crisis in Argentina, many took some profits in Mexico to raise cash.

    Some news came out of Iran and that gave the Swiss franc a bit of a boost. That's a little dollar-negative and a little Swiss franc-positive on whatever form of safe-haven status the currency still has.

    When risk aversion is declining, money will flow out of the safe-haven Treasury market into riskier assets, ... High-yield bonds have increased in price in the past week holders of junk bonds are doing well right now.

    Large cap stocks have been a safe-haven play to some extent in the past, ... Large cap stocks have clearly outperformed mid- and small-cap stocks, so you would expect to see some consolidation of those gains.

    Demand related to inflation and safe-haven fears has been driving gold. I particularly believe numerous gold traders are watching the Iranian situation with great interest, since it has both inflationary and safe haven implications.

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