Quotes about salaried (16 Quotes)

    There are so many more hourly people than salaried, and they get more of the press than us. That's why we are sort of the forgotten few. But we are feeling real anxiety, too, especially about the possibility of (a Delphi) bankruptcy and how it would affect us. We don't have anything protecting us. They have a contract.

    In '02 we had another good year in improving productivity in salaried work force. What we're trying to do is make this a regular mind set around here, ... You can't have an ounce of fat these days and meet the pricing and the investments and the profitability targets we're shooting for.

    Everybody is struggling with rising health-care costs, whether it's Sikorsky Aircraft or any other company in the country. We're simply not immune to that. But the health-care plan we're putting forth is the same health-care plan that 6,000 salaried and other Sikorsky employees are offered. It's a good health-care plan.

    We are confident that the federal appeals court will ultimately find in our favor. We believe we are correct in classifying our store managers as salaried managers, and we intend to continue to fight for what we believe is right.

    Retail is here to stay, even with the opportunity to shop online. The retail environment is certainly a fast-paced, changing environment. I know in our company, it offers a very solid career path, both within the community you are currently living in, and opportunities to relocate. It is just a neat field to get into and I think it is competitively salaried.

    We've offered our hourly-wage earners a health-care plan that's virtually identical to what we've provided to thousands of our salaried staff. It's a plan that gives them five options to choose health coverage that best meets their economic and medical needs.

    By forcing a health-care inflation cap for salaried workers, GM is bringing forth the issue of similar caps for hourly workers, which our talks with (GM) management suggest is a top priority.

    We intend to treat everyone fairly throughout this process, and our management team looks forward to discussions with its salaried employees and with the union representatives of the hourly work force in Bellevue to assist in the transition.

    The union better be prepared to go through another round of negotiations now. Everybody needs to contribute to keeping cost under control and getting GM turned around -- executives, investors and the salaried and union employees.

    We have decided to substantially alter the pension benefits for current U. S. salaried employees so that we can provide a competitive and fair benefit but also reduce the financial risks to GM. While we will announce specific details early next month, we intend to freeze accrued benefits in the current plan and implement a new plan for future accruals which could include a defined contribution or cash balance plan.

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