Quotes about salons (10 Quotes)

    We don't see them as competition. They're our sisters. We are really excited about it, actually - we have a close relationship with Aveda spas and salons.

    I don't know of anyone else in Incline that has this service. I know in Reno, people are storming the salons for this service. We offer the same services and prices as Reno salons.

    colorful, uplifting, lightning quick, music-filled evening of theatre dedicated to revolutionary American slave girl Phillis Wheatley, the first African-American published poet, whose poetic genius lifted her from New England parlor trick into the great salons of Europe and beyond.

    Although I've only been to one once, I always thought tanning salons were a lot safer than outdoor tanning. It does worry me to find out that salons could be just as harmful, if not more, since most people assume they're safer indoors and tend to let their guard down. However, I think people that use them just need to be cautious and understand that skin cancer is still a risk to them.

    It's a new concept for Asia. Either the salons are aimed at a very high-end, very expensive, or you go down to the mass market, mom and pop shops, which tend to be more undisciplined, no quality control, no hygiene level at all. So it's something very new. We're actually answering a niche in the market.

    Got a few salons down the road, a few empty spaces for lease, maybe even for sale, get through with school, open up my own shop right there by my house, won't have to move ever again, permanent.

    I enjoy tanning salons because I get all the benefits I would from lying out in the sun but I don't have to wait for a perfect sunny day to get a tan. As long as I follow the suggestions from the salon, I still feel safe using tanning beds.

    You go into a lot of salons and it seems like everyone has an attitude and no one really listens to the customers. It's crucial for us to create an atmosphere where customers can come in and feel important and valued.

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