Quotes about sanctioning (12 Quotes)

    As a promoter representing a fighter, who in this case is myself, I knew I was doing the right thing by filing this appeal. And for the oldest sanctioning body in boxing to support my case, after reviewing the tape themselves, speaks for itself. I am very happy with the decision.

    We've been going through a transition phase for a few years. We have Europe trying to find more playing opportunities for its members, sanctioning tournaments here and there, picking up half of their playing opportunities for members. It raises as many questions as there are answers.

    We live by trust, in part by hope, in part by inquiry, patiently and humbly pursued. And to the degree that these sensibilities of our creaturehood are observed, the pursuit of intelligibility and understanding in our faith is a creative adventure full of promise in expanding, sensitizing, illumining, and hopefully fulfilling this pilgrimage of existing. Every other mode of seeking to wrest the fire and efficacy of reality, either by way of sanctioning those who presume to believe, or as ground for registering reality's curse upon those who presume not to believe in accordance with the prescribed language of human forms and symbols, is blasphemous, and carries within its own degree of dementia. And this, I submit, is the judgment of reality itself not of any human formulation dependent upon the language of our fallible forms and symbols.

    By engaging in this illegal protest they are sanctioning an illegal strike that is undermining the rule of law by openly defying our province's highest legal authority, the B. C. Supreme Court,

    The purpose of the attack on July 27th (1996) was to confound, anger and embarrass the Washington government in the eyes of the world for its abominable sanctioning of abortion on demand.

    The way NASCAR is structured, with the independentness of the sanctioning body and the car owner, there's not a way for us to do that now, even if we desired,

    As long as the prospect of sanctioning 4 million barrels per day of Iranian oil is out there, the Iranian situation, in our view, will be the front and center issue that will command market attention.

    All of this, of course, leads to the larger issue of the validity of today's titles. The whole thing is a scam, ... Boxing fans are the dumbest fans in the world to accept it. The titles only have meaning because people say they do. The emperor has no clothes. The sanctioning bodies and their titles are fraudulent.

    If NASCAR manages to get in front of Toyota and tell them what they want to do and enforce it, they'll be the first sanctioning body that ever did that. I'll watch with some interest, I'd like to say from a safe distance, but my distance is not far enough to be safe.

    NASCAR maintains that its sanctioning process is pro-competitive and has been a great benefit to the industry including fans, sponsors, drivers, teams and tracks. On the other hand, the Kentucky Speedway lawsuit, which is seeking a bid system, would likely provide a short-term financial windfall to NASCAR but would be disastrous to the long-term health of the sport.

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