Quotes about scaring (16 Quotes)

    The costs are scaring people to death. The need had always been there but the need continues to grow. ... We're getting applications from people who've never contacted us before.

    Think of me as the weathered sheriff coming back into Dodge 'cause the youngsters are shooting up the church and scaring the horses and not doing right by the women.

    It's scaring the heck out of me, ... In the next two weeks you're going to see carriers that may not be out of business, they're going to start parking their rigs and hoping for something better. We're losing money right now every time we run.

    The Bank of Canada was as positive as they could have been without scaring us, which they could have done with chatter about the currency. That bodes well for more Canada (dollar) strength. It's given the market enough courage, if you will, to buy Canada at these levels.

    Private companies can always do what they want, ... I don't think this amendment is going to change business. There's a lot of scaring going on, with folks telling people that if they vote for this, they're discriminating. I can tell you there is no discrimination in our company, and this amendment isn't going to change that.

    He says some things which are taken as gospel, when they ought to be disputed. When he writes 'Courage is no good It means not scaring others', you want to say that just isn't true. There is more to courage than that.

    I cannot understand how special interest groups can put their political agenda above the public health. I am asking these organizations to stop scaring the public and to help us get out an accurate message that will benefit all Americans, especially lower income and elderly Americans.

    It was kind of scaring me a little. This was kind of similar (to last time). This is the advantage of learning from games like that. We don't care whether we win by one or by 30. Let's just keep going.

    I don't think just scaring people is enough. That worked during the freeze days to a major extent, but we really didn't achieve that much even at that time. You have to have more, you have to give people hope and a vision of a better world.

    The result is a music that allows us to all go outside the pigeonholes the music business forces us to stay in. We're breaking down expectations, walking the tightrope, while not scaring our fan bases away.

    I might be scaring him. Maybe it's my fault to go there and air him out. I might take the blame because all of a sudden I went out to air him out and said not good stuff to him. I might surprise him and scare him and all of a sudden he loses what he has. It's maybe my fault to do what I did.

    The principle element in a performance is risk, and if you're losing interest then by scaring yourself to death the audience will feel it and boy it'll wake them up.

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