Quotes about scooters (8 Quotes)

    The lists of projected bestsellers we received from the retailers clearly cited that the scooter craze was not just a summer fad. Aside from scooters, there really doesn't appear to be any other dominating property or category this year. Compared to last year, there is a relatively wide range of items that are among the most sought-after products, from electronic dogs to finger bikes, from sports-related video games to Harry Potter.

    Craig McDonald of Dallas, who also bought a Vespa from University Scooters in August, said it lets him escape the cost of fueling his LandRover SUV that gets just 15 miles per gallon. I drive it to and from work and then any errands that we have to run, ... It's so nice not to have to fire up the SUV that just drinks the gasoline.

    Europe is scooters. Europe is five young people on one bench sharing a chocolate bar. Their idea of entertainment and fun is so much different than ours, which is exactly why a movie about them would be funny.

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