Quotes about scotia (16 Quotes)

    The people of Nova Scotia voted against Sunday shopping and we have a responsibility to make sure that there are not loopholes in the legislation and regulation that would allow activities that are contrary to the spirit of the plebiscite,

    We spent a month in Japan last year, a week in Istanbul for the United Nations, and nearly three months in my native Nova Scotia, where my two brothers have homes; and we'll go back there this summer.

    This quarter's results reflect strong broad-based gains across all three of our growth platforms -- domestic banking, Scotia Capital and international banking -- continuing the success of our strategy of diversifying geographically across business lines.

    Coming from a government that's torn up agreements on child care, it's not beyond the realm of possibility that they'd tear up agreements with Newfoundland and Nova Scotia.

    It's extremely distressing when signed agreements are not adhered to, ... We have a philosophy in Nova Scotia as a government, and I think the philosophy is shared by most Nova Scotians If you have a contractual commitment, you keep it.

    I guess my natural inclination is to finish what I started. We have a Conservative government in Nova Scotia. What I want to see is a Conservative government in Ottawa.

    The other speculation would be that there were some documents that were seized in that raid at the Bank of Nova Scotia, that someone may have noticed certain sales or transactions.

    Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Canada are the horns, the head, the neck, the shins, and the hoof of the ox, and the United States are the ribs, the sirloin, the kidneys, and the rest of the body.

    A true gentleman, it was impossible to not be impressed by the dignified way in which the Premier expressed the position of Nova Scotia and promoted the interests of all of Canada in our many discussions.

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