Quotes about scrappy (16 Quotes)

    It was a great basketball atmosphere. It was a real scrappy ball game, but we hung in there and got the baskets when we needed to. Defense wins games in Tri-Districts.

    I don't think anyone relishes being unknown. I think we're a scrappy bunch. We're a bunch of fighters. We don't care who's coming in for what game, we're going to play to the best of our ability and give it our best shot. We play for each other and just play team ball.

    It want to split he and Zach (Randolph) up mainly because we want to get more ball movement. It's to try and find something that will give us that scrappy, that balance that we need.

    All of the girls played really hard tonight. We struggled a little at the end with their press but we were able to make up for it on defense. The girls are all really scrappy and they aren't afraid to hit the floor. I am proud of the hard work that they are giving it shows in practice and at the games.

    It was a tough game. Dayton comes to play. They always play good basketball against us and tonight was no exception. They're scrappy and we knew they'd come to play hard and they did. They played very well. They did a great job. Hats off to them. We're just happy to have a win.

    Twenty-nine turnovers didn't help us at all. Shooting 1-for-9 in 3-pointers in the first half didn't help us. But, man, they're a scrappy basketball team. They play in those spurts and that's what makes them good. They can afford not to play well in 2- or 3-minute spans. We can't. We're not good enough of a basketball team to do that.

    It was a gutsy win for us tonight. That's a scrappy team over there. They've been playing some very good basketball and we don't take anything for granted. (Stackhouse) stepped up tonight and I thought Devin really came on and gave us a big lift in overtime.

    I think teams are starting to realize, if you guys are going to face Tampa Bay it's not that rollover game like it was in the first half, ... Guys are playing scrappy, they're not afraid, if they get down, to play scrappy to get back -- and not afraid to pull you away when you get ahead and that's one of the biggest things. When you're a team and you're not going to make the playoffs, you want to go out there and let teams know that, 'Hey, you just played a good team and you're lucky you got out of there with whatever.' You want them to remember that it wasn't just 'show up at the park and win.' You want them to know, 'Hey, we just had a very tough series.'

    Usually the art districts are formed because they're low-rent districts to begin with, and bohemian, and living in poor conditions, ... At 43 and 52, we're not interested in being scrappy.

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