Quotes about seahawks (16 Quotes)

    JAGUARS Tropical Storm Ophelia could affect Sunday's game against Seattle and make coach Jack Del Rio's jersey swap a moot point. Del Rio had decided to make the Seahawks wear their green and blue home jerseys at Alltel Stadium, hoping the dark shirts would cause more sweat for players unaccustomed to the heat. It makes all the sense in the world to me, ... If I was Jack, I would do the same thing.

    I was talking to the Seahawks around that time, telling them I wanted to get traded. We were bad on defense -- couldn't stop the run, couldn't pressure the passer -- and it was just killing me.

    If you can use basic common sense, you're OK. But, when you're a college kid, dying to play in the NFL, and now you have scouts from the Giants, the Seahawks, the Cowboys all waiting on you, and you're trying to figure out how many 25-cent eggs Sally needs to sell to make 15, you're afraid you're going to look stupid.

    The Seahawks have done a fantastic job of trying to get all the business side of it and get all the tickets and rooms and everything situated for families. Trying to have that all set up and be as easy as possible for us. I think it's gone very smoothly. That is one of the major detractors from the game, just having to worry about all the other stuff.

    It was like an away game for us, there's no question about that. But if there were 90 percent Steelers fans and 10 percent Seahawks fans, I thought at least the Seahawks fans were just as loud, if not louder at times. I give those Seahawks fans a lot of credit. They did a great job.

    The contract stuff just happens to be a coincidence to me. I always play every game as if my back is against the wall. That's always something that has been good to me since high school. A lot of people believe the grass is greener on the other side, but I'm not one of those people. It wouldn't be my choice to leave, but the Seahawks know that.

    The Seahawks did a nice job offensively keeping us off balance, ... I asked our defense to put in a new coverage, and (the Seahawks) scored two touchdowns on that coverage. So, that's my fault.

    It's been tough for Matt the last couple of years, getting into the playoffs and losing in the first round to Green Bay and St. Louis. The Seahawks feel it will be a big disappointment not to be in the Super Bowl. Sometimes guys just don't get the chance.

    It doesn't matter whether or not they call it the greatest division. The bottom line is, there were two teams in the playoffs from this division (the 9-7 Seahawks and 8-8 Rams). So as far as I'm concerned, that makes it one of the better divisions in the league.

    I am the biggest Seahawks fan there is right now. My throat hurt so bad this morning when I woke up (from cheering). I acted just like a fan at one of our races.

    If the Seahawks do win the Super Bowl, I expect to be busy for weeks afterward, because it will have been an important event in Seattle sports that people will want to remember.

    The reports this week about the long-term landing spot being Los Angeles were nonsensical, ... L.A.'s been the landing spot for the Indianapolis Colts, the Arizona Cardinals, the Seattle Seahawks, the Minnesota Vikings and any number of other teams, and the last time I looked they were all operating in their communities and L.A. is off the radar screen.

    From the softer ad market and the organizational changes in 2005, Fisher is poised in 2006 to capitalize on an attractive business structure going forward as well as other opportunities such as the recent Seattle Super Bowl (that pitted the Seahawks versus the Pittsburgh Steelers) carried on our Seattle and Portland ABC affiliates.

    The blunt and cantankerous Rhodes, who resigned after two years in Denver as Mike Shanahan's defensive coordinator -- the Broncos had the league's sixth-ranked unit last season but were shaky in the red zone and on third down -- is being hailed as a savior by the Seahawks' veteran defenders. Springs, whose contract expires after this season, isn't sure whether this will be his last year in Seattle, but he's certainly excited about the season ahead. If I look bad in Ray Bob's defense, ... then I can't play.

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