Quotes about secessionist (11 Quotes)

    To suggest that Mr. Lafond's documentary on the FLQ crisis makes him a separatist sympathizer is to suggest that Ken Burns' documentary on the Civil War makes him a Confederate secessionist,

    By breaking his own promises, Chen is attempting to stir up the secessionist sentiments in Taiwan and create confrontations between different groups of people in the island, as well as to provoke the mainland and strain the cross-Straits relations.

    The Dalai Lama is not a simple or a pure religious figure. He is a political exile who undertakes secessionist activities abroad, ... We oppose meetings between him and other leaders.

    We will never waver in upholding the one China principle, never give up our efforts for peaceful reunification, never change our policy of placing hopes on the people in Taiwan, and never compromise in our fight against 'Taiwan independence' forces' secessionist activities,

    But we will never allow anybody to make Taiwan secede from China. The attempt of the 'Taiwan independence' secessionist forces to split Taiwan from China under any name and in any means will never succeed.

    It's our steadfast will and determination to oppose 'Taiwan independence' secessionist forces and activities, maintain peace across the Taiwan Straits and safeguard China's state sovereignty and territorial integrity.

    We will never accept Taiwan independence, and will uncompromisingly oppose and keep in check secessionist forces advocating Taiwan independence and their activities.

    The Chinese government and people strongly urge Chad and a very few other countries to stop doing anything further to support the secessionist activities in the name of 'Taiwan independence' and hurt the feelings of the Chinese people.

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