Quotes about second-guess (14 Quotes)

    Some people might second-guess us leaving him out there. He's one of those seniors who you have to pry the ball out of his hand. He was three pitches away from having a great game, but that's baseball.

    It is easy to second-guess me, but it was my call. I'd like someone to give me a guarantee that David Ortiz wouldn't have done that to Nate Robertson. We're talking about someone who is arguably one of the best players in baseball.

    We don't want to second-guess what people do. But at certain points, if certain behavior becomes a distraction to teammates or reflects poorly on the entire U. S. Olympic team, we want to step in and take some action.

    I'm not going to second-guess my colleagues, but one of us has to stay neutral on this and hopefully give the administration enough ammunition to resolve this process,

    If you're working in a high-crime neighborhood, and you see a person on a street corner hitching his belt up in a way that he would if he were concealing a handgun, you would want to examine that situation more closely. Or if you were patrolling a known drug-sales zone at three in the morning and saw somebody on their cell phone, you would want to look into that. But if you get to the fifth or sixth situation, and everybody that you have come across to this point has been black, you're going to second-guess yourself.

    Guys came out tonight and played with a lot of energy, just went out there and played basketball. Moved the ball from side to side and forced the defense to make a couple mistakes and made them second-guess.

    That was an incredible challenge, ... Though the lack of development was one of the greatest assets for Lost - we didn't have time to second-guess what we were doing and sanitise it into a more middle-ground story. When it aired it ended up getting three times the audience they expected. It was mind-numbing - I just couldn't believe it.

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