Quotes about secretaries (16 Quotes)

    We felt it was important as we recover from some tough financial times and we begin to add back from the 11 million cuts that we went through 3 years ago to reward some of the teachers, the custodians, the staff, the bus drivers, secretaries and so forth.

    When it's over it should be over. When a man is no longer at risk, he loses touch. I think these fellows who think they have some long-term right to dignity and salary and expense accounts and company planes are all wrong. On December 21, 1963 I walked out of there and said that's it no office, no secretaries. Nothing.

    A committee of five secretaries, headed by the cabinet secretary, will now look into the process and submit their recommendation to the empowered group of ministers within two weeks.

    I want someone with a national reputation. I want somebody who is a good manager of people and who is a change agent. I think the one-term governor hurts transportation more than anything else because if you change out secretaries of transportation and VDOT commissioners on a four-year cycle you just don't get the continuity you need on the transportation side. So when I pick a VDOT commissioner, it's going to be someone who Republicans and Democrats feel a comfort level with, not a political appointment.

    None of the lawyers, clerks and secretaries I've been working with are there anymore. And there are White people running the office. I and other Black activists have stopped referring people to the firm.

    Who could plan an attack on secretaries, on engineers, on bank tellers, credit union tellers, and, yes, even babies ... You now know. You have spoken. Terry Nichols could plan such an attack.

    In addition, BigHand has been configured in such a way that secretaries can work from home. This contributes greatly to our firms policy of supporting a positive work-life balance, and has been met with great enthusiasm by our staff.

    The president made a very strong commitment, and we're following through on that commitment. He has visited the Gulf Coast a number of times, as have a number of our Cabinet secretaries and other high-ranking officials in the administration, and we will continue to visit the Gulf Coast region.

    He made sure to check with them (the Cabinet) even after this got more attention from the press, to make sure they were comfortable with the decision that was made. Every one of the Cabinet secretaries expressed that they were comfortable with this transaction being approved.

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