Quotes about seesaw (5 Quotes)

    If it's a seesaw, it's a little bit tilted in favor of renters. If the occupancy trend continues, then people aren't going to be putting rents up. Rents would at least stay stable and possibly decline.

    We did not box out well late in the game and we made a few other little mistakes. Other than that, I thought we played them well tonight. It was a seesaw game for the most part.

    The game was such a seesaw game. We were down 16 points and it didn't look like we had a chance of getting back in the game, and then things started transpiring. ... Hopefully we can build off that (today) and let the emotion from that game just carry us throughout.

    We played well against them at Evansville. It was a seesaw battle. I remember that they can hit, but we've got confidence that we can take care of business going into the game against them.

    There are benefits in that you have a more accurate picture of how students are doing, ... But administering, scoring and assessing a test takes a great deal of time away from classroom instruction. It's that delicate balance of the seesaw When is it too much testing.

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