Quotes about self-reinforcing (5 Quotes)

    Certainly this Christmas shopping season is going to make for a lot of very negative headlines. The concern is that this weakness will be a self-reinforcing phenomenon, but the confidence numbers indicate that may not happen.

    It seems clear that a person's illness or death can have health consequences for others in his or her social network. This means that efforts to reduce disease, disability, and death can be self-reinforcing, since a decrease in the burden of these events in one person can have a cascading benefit for others. The training and assistance of caregivers can lower costs and also improve the health of patients and caregivers alike.

    Continued job and real wage growth is needed to increase a household's pool of cash and to strengthen discount retailers' sales, ... An improved labor market would make consumer spending more self-reinforcing and less dependent on tax and interest rate-related stimulus.

    This is yet another reminder that policy-makers don't have a lock on knowledge. There's a tremendous amount of confusion now about whether or not the recent weakness due to military anxiety is going to end up being self-reinforcing economic weakness.

    The economy has settled into a sustainable, self-reinforcing growth path, ... All major categories of the economy have contributed to economic growth. Now that businesses have begun to add to payrolls, the current expansion is self-reinforcing. Only external shocks, such as terrorist attacks or a surge in oil prices, could derail the recovery.

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