Quotes about septic (14 Quotes)

    We talk about how people should bury their dead in their backyards, how far from the septic systems. In case you're wondering, it's 20 (11.50 pounds) apiece for high-quality body bags. In New Orleans (after Hurricane Katrina) they had to double-bag bodies.

    These results will help to determine whether well andor septic system construction and maintenance regulations or routine testing of private water systems during real estate transactions would be helpful in reducing contamination and health risks to rural homeowners. Also, the results may shed some light on the importance of routine maintenance of private water systems and septic systems in preventing contamination. Such information would be valuable for Master Well Owner Network volunteers and Cooperative Extension to educate homeowners about protection and management of private water systems.

    Building a community of this size and scale is best served far and away by city water and sewer services. People moving into a second home want those services they want a maintenance free home and don't want to have to pump out a septic tank.

    I'm speaking towards the conceptual plan (that Quinlan is proposing), but I definitely think this project is something that town should pursue. There's not enough information yet, and I don't know if he can engineer proper septic systems and if it will be environmentally safe, but I think the town is doing the right thing by exploring the possibilities.

    If there is truly a substantial septic failure problem, I believe the public will be supportive of us taking drastic measures. We don't want to pollute the community and our lakes.

    But I couldn't cut that whole septic tank scene out because the audience liked it so much. So I sort of fell right back into getting a cheap laugh, but I still loved it.

    There are the ones who have a lot of land and want to be annexed because they want the sewer to make the land more valuable and the lots smaller. Then there are the people with homes with working septic tanks that don't see why they should pay to hook into a sewer system they don't intend to use.

    In 1996, when we were looking at our general plan, we decided our sphere of influence will include land we would annex within 20 years. This is in our sphere of influence. If we didn't do this the college would have no septic system or water.

    I like the idea that the monster is in us... somewhere in there. That's why I think I prefer all this sort of transformation monsters, that grow out of humans rather than beasts that are spawned in a septic tank. But, I suppose in a way that'd be human waste, too.

    We're waiting to see a report from the state that will show us the risks. That may drive some of the decision making. I would like to do both and think there is an opportunity to do that, but there still are concerns from Rimini residents of operation and maintenance costs (of the community septic system).

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