Quotes about serviced (7 Quotes)

    For us, Asia has been an opportunity to grow our business. We believe we've got a very good model inside Toll to offer customers an integrated supply chain capability. We don't think that has been serviced very well right across Asia.

    So many Americans don't have their car serviced at the car dealer. But there's often a break in the knowledge stream between the manufacturers and independent repair shops. What manufacturers needed to do was bring highly trained technicians back in contact with consumers through the dealer.

    A middle-income shopper may migrate to a Nordstrom from a Macy's and spend 65 instead of 45 on a gift because they are serviced better at a Nordstrom, ... Department store chains like Sears and J.C. Penney need to be very aware of this if they want to retain their shoppers over the holidays.

    You also have to ensure that your store has recovered from the night before, such as making sure the fitting rooms have been cleaned out, and then you're ready to open your doors. I also need to make sure the customers flow through the building and that they are being serviced as best as our associates can do.

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