Quotes about sfa (11 Quotes)

    We are very proud to be included in the ESPN Bracket Buster Saturday pool, and feel we are very deserving of consideration, ... Both Northwestern State and SFA have enjoyed success over the last three years, and we feel they will represent us very well. We thank our good friends at ESPN for their interest in Southland Conference basketball.

    Last year we reached 355 fifth-graders, at a cost of 6 a student, ... We did this with the help and sponsorship of SFA, Nacogdoches ISD, Coca-Cola, Nacogdoches Safe and Drug Free and others. People stepped up throughout the year, and we received very positive feedback. It was a great adventure, and we will do it again.

    They've been hinting at this for nine months. Given that amount of time, you might have expected a broader offering. This is not even full-blown SFA. It's really just contact management.

    Scott is too young and inexperienced. I need someone a bit more experienced as Myles will be out for some time. We explained all this to the league and the SFA.

    Craig Mulholland, who has successfully administered an accomplished Rangers in the community scheme, will take control of all additional administrative matters relating to youth football. Formerly trained with the SFA, Craig's administrative experience will be crucial to the organisation of a large youth structure.

    Simple, single-metric quotas and forecasts are rare in any size business, but the SFA tools offered -- both on-premise and hosted -- can't handle this basic requirement, ... As a result, most forecasting and commissions happen in Excel, not the SFA tool.

    There are over 200 nifty new things in this release, but it's not simply about adding features--it's about changing the orientation of the product. You can only go so far in building an SFA engine before you reach diminishing returns. The next logical thing in SFA is to improve inputs into SFA.

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