Quotes about shapiro (8 Quotes)

    Moulton's boss in 1999-2000 was one of the Clinton administration's most politically astute economists Under Secretary of Commerce Rob Shapiro, a pioneer New Democrat ... Did you cook the books

    Two years ago Mark Shapiro , ESPN's executive vice president of programming and production, told Sports Illustrated that Mike Tyson was at the top of his wish list for an athletereality show subject. That was then, and this is now They don't make reality shows about missionaries. It's unfortunate that our viewers would find a reality series on an explosive figure like Mike Tyson uncompelling, ... But a life of caring for underprivileged people, as Tyson says he's going to do, just isn't as riveting as the ticketing-time-bomb life.

    Sizemore (he's making 318,000 this year) and Lee (345,000) come cheap, too. Those numbers are as important to Shapiro as batting averages and ERAs. The Colon trade -- he is making 10 million this season -- was Shapiro's way of announcing the Indian's new business model Expensive free agents were out, hunting for prospects and bargains was in. It's a little easier to sell that small-market approach when trades work out as well as that one did. The Colon trade was the start of everything, ... It started the change.

    I'm delighted that Professor Shapiro was recognized, ... Despite the heavy administrative load he carried as chair of Political Science and now as director of YCIAS, he is nonetheless amazingly productive, a gifted educator, and someone whose books are provocative and really make you think.

    I don't know about the people who didn't understand what (Shapiro) was doing back then, but they should understand now. This is a very good team. The sky is the limit with this group.

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