Quotes about shortsighted (16 Quotes)

    So we are now still dependent on foreign oil, have a problem with global warming, and are losing jobs rapidly to the Japanese in fuel-efficient vehicles as a result of that very shortsighted progress.

    China is still too costly for manufacturing complex, low-volume products such as semiconductor manufacturing equipment. Executives have proven again and again to be shortsighted, seeking out the lowest wages and not taking into account all other factors.

    In today's world, it is shortsighted to think that infectious diseases cannot cross borders. By allowing developing countries access to generic drugs, we not only help improve health in those nations, we also help ourselves control these debilitating and often deadly diseases.

    Before, we were all duplicating our efforts, reinventing the wheel. Broker training - we were each doing that. Our relocation specialists - we each had one. Why were we doing that As we got further into it, we decided we were too shortsighted. What we needed was a single company.

    I think it is extremely foolish and shortsighted for Senator Hatch to pursue the path he's been going down, ... The only way we're going to stop nuclear waste from coming to Utah or Nevada is for both states to work together toward one common goal and that is keeping the waste where it is and finding alternate disposal technology.

    To have nine years go by when we have brought proposals forward for needed improvements, it is shortsighted on the part of a decision-making group to not think ahead.

    In baseball, my theory is to strive for consistency, not to worry about the numbers. If you dwell on statistics you get shortsighted, if you aim for consistency, the numbers will be there at the end.

    Our soldiers have done a valiant effort in fighting terrorism and bringing a semblance of law and order to the chaos in the region and it would be shortsighted to lay out a specific timetable to bring U.S. troops home prematurely before their mission is accomplished.

    Cutting funding to homeland security grants for state and local first responders, at a time when our nation remains a prime target for terrorism, is extremely shortsighted and threatens to leave our communities even more vulnerable,

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