Quotes about shutouts (15 Quotes)

    At the back of the rotation, they're not looking for guys to go out and throw shutouts, they just want us to keep them in the game, ... I understand that, especially coming from Colorado, where keeping the team in the game was all we hoped for.

    I've said it before. This team is going to go how the hitting goes. It's too much pressure for these guys to throw shutouts every game. We need to be consistent, especially against a mediocre pitcher.

    Even throughout this season I've had up and downs, ... But I feel pretty good right now. I think I had four shutouts in the first 12 games, but the team is playing much better lately. And that's a big difference why we are winning some games. The shutouts are just luck. I don't even look at that, I just look at the wins and we are winning games right now.

    I'm sure the coaches and players were demoralized from those three shutouts, ... I think they're on the comeback and the last few years, they had a strong finish and I would not be surprised if we see that again.

    Does one guy play against Germany and another against Canada You can play against Germany and someone else and get two shutouts, or you could play against Canada, give up four goals and play great. How would you really decide

    Amy was a Pioneer Press Honorable Mention as a sophomore so for her to come back as a senior and do it again is good for her. With girls' hockey improving every year, eight shutouts is an amazing number.

    This is an awesome staff and they will be fun to watch. They are going to strike people out, throw a few shutouts. It should be fun. I think this staff has seven pitchers that could start at any other school. We have the talent to have a great year.

    When people look at the shutouts and the low number of goals allowed, they say 'the keeper is amazing,' ... It's really the defense and midfielders keeping the ball away from me. When you don't have to do anything, you look good.

    I thought we played really well. Jones County is going through some growing pains losing some people off last year's team. ... The two shutouts are impressive, but we know we've got some people down the road who are very talented. We'll have to get ready when the time comes.

    He was disappointed. If he continues to pitch the way he's pitching now and stays healthy, he's going to have a lot of chances to throw shutouts. I think this late in the season, better safe than sorry is the way to go.

    I'm pleased with six shutouts in seven games, and you can't complain about that, ... I just hope we can keep improving so we can show well once we get to the playoffs. We want to represent the SMAC well and make a name for ourselves.

    I think there are goalkeepers who can get three shutouts in a row and still not get opportunities, just because it is so hotly contested. I've been in and out of camps for a long, long time and whenever I get opportunities to play, they are obviously things you relish and you celebrate those.

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