Quotes about sideshow (8 Quotes)

    Happiness lies in being privileged to work hard for long hours in doing whatever you think is worth doing. One man may find happiness in supporting a wife and children. Another may find it in robbing banks. Still another may labor mightily for years in pursuing pure research with no discernible result. Note the individual and subjective nature of each case. No two are alike and there is no reason to expect them to be. Each man or woman must find for himself or herself that occupation in which hard work and long hours make him or her happy. Contrariwise, if you are looking for shorter hours and longer vacations and early retirement, you are in the wrong job. Perhaps you need to take up bank robbing. Or geeking in a sideshow. Or even politics.

    And I think it was a huge mistake to put another chair at the House managers' table for Mr. Starr, and to create sort of a sideshow here which I think runs the risk of causing the Senate, this fragile bipartisanship we've been able to hold together here, you run the risk, I say very sincerely, you run the risk of shattering that, ... Face the Nation.

    When it comes down to it, ... it's just football. After all the circus, the antics and the sideshow, it's just football . . . just going out there and just knocking heads and just playing football.

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