Quotes about singer-songwriter (13 Quotes)

    Buffett connected with Goodman through their shared sense of humor and love of baseball. They were folk music's version of the Gas House Gang. When I saw him perform, it struck a chord with me that not only was he a better guitar player than I was, but he was a solo act with a sense of humor, ... Singer-songwriter Gamble Rogers was another guy back in those days we both loved. A lot of times you see people who are funny onstage and don't care to be funny offstage. It's part of their act. Stevie was funny on or off the stage. And he's the first one who took me to a Cubs game.

    I'm not being trite. I'm not being a parody of myself, and in finding a new kind of color to adopt for myself, it's not this or that it's singer-songwriter, but it's also blues guitar player, it's also comedian.

    I'd been a cult singer-songwriter generally well-regarded by some of the better vocalists and journalists of the seventies. Suddenly, a mass audience perceived me as a troubadour who'd dedicated his life to extolling the virtues of pineapple-based beverages.

    Having lost touch with Parks for more than 25 years, Holmes drafted a letter to his old associate and gave it to a mutual friend, singer-songwriter Steve Young, to deliver. I got a phone call from Van Dyke, ... 'Surf's up' he said.

    This tour is such a joy for all of us. Everybody loves Woody Guthrie. Well, everybody should love Woody Guthrie. Woody deserves to be honored, not just for making great music. Woody should be remembered as perhaps the first singer-songwriter. Sure, there was Jimmie Rodgers, but Woody, for all intents and purposes, was the first guy out there singing songs he had written. And he wrote such great songs, which should never be forgotten.

    The stores and the things like that, the business side of things came out at the point when, I'd say probably in the early '70s, it looked like the year of the singer-songwriter was over, 'cause music changed in our time and the spotlight was out.

    Singer-songwriter Dan Hicks has a devoted cult following, but for those who have never heard of him and his wry sense of humor, now is your chance. Time and again, Hicks is referred to as a true American original and we are happy to host this ice cool daddy of swing.

    The truth is, I initially became a singer-songwriter while still in my teens because it was the only way to guarantee that somebody on earth would sing the songs I was writing. Since then, I've performed just about everywhere: rock clubs, concerts halls, arenas, TV.

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