Quotes about single-digit (16 Quotes)

    We have to stress our conservative credentials and emphasize that we are the natural, national alternative to the Liberals. Clearly the Alliance has shown it can't break out of its Western box. The Alliance is at single-digit support in three quarters of the country.

    With the consumer in control, in order to stimulate demand you have to keep pressure on pricing, which is likely to have the long-term effect of keeping growth rates in the single-digit region forever more.

    On-demand is the type of disruptive innovation that has re-energized the single-digit growth software industry and provided a new method for obtaining the type of software that departments of large organizations, as well as small and medium-sized businesses, previously may not have been able to purchase due to cost or lack of I.T. resources.

    Given that we are still in early 2006, the 2007 guidance is likely to be conservative with higher-than-2006 airplane deliveries, better margins at both Boeing Commercial Airplanes and Integrated Defense Systems, strong cash flow, but low single-digit top line growth for its defense business.

    The overall economy does not seem to be improving for business customers of any size. As a result, we expect sales in that division at lower end of the low to mid single-digit range for the third quarter,

    It would be a good opportunity to signal a change in interest rate policy. This is a country with single-digit inflation and an interest rate of 20 percent. It's ridiculous.

    That level of production growth is very hard for a company of Chevron's size to achieve. A big part of that has to be from what they acquired with Unocal. Many of their peers are having a difficult time just getting single-digit growth.

    Those contracts were entered into when Microsoft had single-digit usage figures for browser software. Microsoft's contracts are not only completely unobjectionable, but pro-competitive because it reduced Netscape's dominance and gave consumers more choice.

    If you're a day trader and you can stomach market volatility on a day-to-day basis, ... and want to play that momentum, stick with technology and biotechnology. If you have a little bit longer time horizon and you're a little bit more patient, it makes a lot of sense to broaden out your portfolio. Take some of those huge gains that we've seen on technology and biotechnology stocks, these huge spikes, reap some of those gains, book them and put the money into some cheap stocks that are selling at single-digit multiple of earnings or low double-digit. There are a lot of cheap inexpensive stocks out there.

    We had planned for single-digit growth in our PC business in the U.S. we had planned for that in U.S. retail, ... Nevertheless, we did indicate that we saw less growth than anticipated even with that single-digit forecast. It is a relatively small part of our portfolio and it does not change our forecast.

    In 2005, we were able to deliver on our strategic financial goals of double-digit EPS growth and mid to upper single-digit revenue growth, and we are solidly tracking toward our goal of 9.5 percent operating margins. We are starting to demonstrate the scalability of our business model.

    The patents that are expiring make up a significant portion of their results. They're not going to be one of the top growth stories -- probably only single-digit (percentage-wise) in 2000 and 2001.

    When you start getting single-digit turnover numbers, that's phenomenal, especially since we're doing it by committee at point guard. We're doing it by committee, but we're getting it done.

    We continue to believe in the long-term growth of online advertising. Near-term, however, we don't believe the market will bottom until the first quarter. We estimate only single-digit year-over-year market growth in the first quarter.

    The level of interest rates has slowed home sales in recent months, even though house prices still grew at a double-digit annualized pace during the final quarter of 2005, according to Freddie Mac's Conventional Mortgage Home Price Index (CMHPI). Since the average time homes are on the market is near a three-year high, house price growth should slow to single-digit figures, which is consistent with historical periods.

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