Quotes about six-game (12 Quotes)

    The way our luck has been going, I'm not surprised. If this had been during the six-game winning streak (in January), when it was really fun, I would probably say, 'Nah, it wouldn't go in.' But everybody gets their day. It just wasn't our day.

    A lot of crazy things have happened. ... You play to see if you can win the last four games and win two or three in the ACC tournament. All of a sudden you're on a six-game win streak and your RPI all of a sudden has jumped up, and maybe you've passed some people that are ahead of you.

    My mobility makes me one of those people that likes to get out of the pocket. If they bring some blitzes, then hopefully I can make a guy miss and get out of there. Every quarterback they have played, especially during their six-game winning streak, they have been able to put a lot of pressure on. They have forced them to make a lot of quick decisions.

    We felt like before the season started, leaving out all the injuries, we felt like we were going to be a pretty good team. We started out slow due to injuries. It kind of set us back a little bit. But winning that home game (against the Boston Celtics), then going on a six-game road trip, that was either going to make us or break us. It was really going to determine our season. We were hungry, and we were really confident and went 5-1.

    I'm confident they'll play better. Just like I was confident we'd break a six-game losing streak and I'm confident we'll make the playoffs and I'm confident we'll do good things once we get there.

    Two months ago, Wells had choice words for an umpire, and perhaps thinking the umpire had a hearing problem, got so close to him that he was accused of making contact, a decided prohibition in baseball. And when his appeal of his six-game suspension was denied in late August, he blistered Commissioner Bud Selig about not doing anything about steroids. ... an idiot.

    WIth football you can have up to 28 guys you consider starters, and if they can pick up the slack when some aren't playing so well, you don't have to turn those two game losing streaks into six-game losing streaks.

    We don't bring anything that puzzles anybody. I don't think you can look over a six-game stretch and say this is why we won or lost. To me, it comes down to making a play. I thought our goaltending saved us.

    If we still had the six-game season ticket available, I'm convinced all the five-game packages would have been six-game sales. But it was a record-breaking year for ticket sales no matter how you look at it.

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