Quotes about skipping (16 Quotes)

    Media reports that the technology is aimed at blocking people from skipping advertising is just half of the truth. It could go either way. You could use it to skip ads or to have people stick to the advertising.

    Based on the amount of ad skipping, we believe commercials will be watched 20 percent less (in '07) than they are now, ... Our best estimate is that it will cut 10 percent off of the amount paid for advertising.

    I'm sure Ricardo sees his primary commitment to the Cardinals. I really don't know if he's going to consider (skipping the tournament) or not. But first and foremost, I would think his obligation is to the club. If there is a strong desire in Mexico to have him pitch, you'd think they would try to get this resolved as quickly as possible.

    We wanted to attack the baseline. They were in a 2-3 or 3-2. A lot of the time they were in the 3-2 and we knew the baseline was open. We had our shooters go to the baseline, and our guards did a good job skipping the ball to the baseline.

    I was told I was talented when I applied to Falmouth School of Art and that I should consider skipping the course and proceeding directly to degree level.

    You know, people think you have to be dumb to skip rope for 45 minutes. No, you have to be able to imagine something else. While you're skipping rope, you have to be able to see something else.

    Skipping breakfast really came out as a predictor of weight gain, ... I don't know if anyone realized the magnitude of breakfast skipping. By age 19 almost 45 percent were skipping breakfast.

    When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies. And now when every new baby is born its first laugh becomes a fairy. So there ought to be one fairy for every boy or girl.

    I reckon it would take you 40 hours to read the first book out loud. Cutting that to three hours -- well, what can you do The answer is, abridge, ... If you know the story, you can see them skipping.

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