Quotes about sliders (13 Quotes)

    In the past, my slider's been really good -- that's my out pitch. Last year, it was average, at best, I thought. So I'm going to work on that this spring and get that going. ... I want to work on pounding the strike zone and going right after guys, make them put the ball in play instead of giving up free bases.

    In the past, guys might be wailing away expecting a fastball, but now that they know I throw so many sliders, it's different, ... This is a game where you have to make continual adjustments and get better all the time. Otherwise, you're going to be struggling.

    Chavez has to hit there after we use Michael Tucker and Howard, ... Lidge throws one of those 90 mile per hour sliders that eats right-handers up. We thought that Chavez could put the ball in play. All we needed was a base hit, and we win the ballgame. We didn't need a home run

    I had a game plan going up there, ... I know he throws a lot of sliders. He throws hard, but usually his fastball is just to keep you honest. And I stuck with the game plan of going up there looking for a slider and just not trying to do too much.

    His location was better and he had a lot of jump on his fastball. He threw some good sliders, a couple good forkballs. He was outstanding today.

    He was throwing a lot of sliders in fastball counts and was almost effectively wild with his fastball. He got good movement on it, and he's always had a delivery where he hides the ball pretty well. You just don't really get a real good feeling on a certain spot, where he's going to throw the ball.

    We were concerned he was going to have a high pitch count early. But he had a good angle down in the zone. He threw some good sliders. In general, that's as good as he's looked in a long time. Unfortunately, his stamina isn't built up to where we'd like it to be.

    Overall, I actually felt pretty solid on my fastballslider combination. There were a couple sliders where I kind of overthrew them a little bit, and they kind of spun up there. I had a couple good sharp ones down. Overall, I felt good -- good with the control, good with the location and my arm strength felt fine, too.

    That's good. I'll give him three sliders in a row, right down the middle. You can't mess around with Bobby. If you do, he's going to take you deep.

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