Quotes about sloan (13 Quotes)

    Trevor's match was an outstanding match. He lost to that kid in the Classic, and we thought it was a fluke. We didn't think it should have been as close as it was. ... I think he really showed here that he's a better wrestler than Tyler Sloan. ... Typically, if you get seeded No. 1 (at districts), it makes districts a little easier.

    We're fighting for a playoff spot. Coach Sloan says that playoff basketball is crunch time. We need to run a play, execute and get a good shot. It's frustrating to fight the whole game, have a lead and then all of a sudden, we stop doing what we did to get there.

    Melanie Sloan, CREW's executive director, said, The NIGC is either running a lackluster investigation or illegally withholding documents, or both. Regardless, the American public deserves to know what NIGC's dealings were with these officials, including now-indicted former GSA Chief of Staff David Safavian and former Majority Leader Tom DeLay. ... We will not sit by and allow the Administration to ignore the law and their responsibilities to the public. We will fight to learn the extent of Jack Abramoff's influence in Congress and the Administration.

    He introduced things like different-color cars and annual model changes, and it's taken Ford 70 years to get back close to GM. I'm like Sloan. I see what the new world needs and wants, and I'm offering it. Dole's still making black cars. But he doesn't have to.

    Sloan Thomas had two catches (in the win over the Raiders) that were as good as you will see, ... But there's four guys for one spot, and they need (a backup) to do well on special tams. That isn't where he shone. But he can play.

    The late Alfred P. Sloan, Ir., long-time executive of General Motors Corporation, had a fivepoint 'secret of success.' It was 1. Get the facts. 2. Recognize the equities of all concerned. 3. Realize the necessity of doing a better job every day. 4. Keep an open mind. 5. Work hard.

    That is the character of the team that Sloan and Marquis Johnson didn't get into the game until the end and weren't afraid. They paid attention and did what I asked them to do and got the job done. They didn't get rattled by the crowd.

    The board is fortunate to have Temple Sloan as the lead director. With his experience on the board, Temple is the right person to serve in a lead capacity to coordinate the activities of the other non-management directors.

    I've been told I'll hear a lot of the same adjectives, ... Pops is probably a little bit more laid back than coach Sloan. I know what to expect 'Play hard every night.'

    My doctor at Sloan Kettering said if he could help me this way, he would. He told me to go to Germany. People are flying over there from all over the world.

    Our first choice is to stay where we are at, but we understand the community's concerns, ... We could live with the Sloan site depending on the rent and that fuel prices are reasonable.

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