Quotes about sophomores (16 Quotes)

    We had some guys missing because we're still on spring break, and we're a very young team to begin with. It came as a surprise to me we ended up winning the meet. We have something like eight sophomores and two freshmen. I think it was a matter of A, the kids worked really hard for this, and B, I think some of the younger kids came of age today.

    We started three freshmen and three sophomores tonight. And we're going to improve. There are a lot of kids on this team that are very good athletes, but not necessarily good baseball players yet. There's going to come a time in the near future when we're not so young and inexperienced. It'll come.

    We have good leadership these guys (most notably the seniors), most of them, since they were sophomores. That's got to be a strength that experience and their ability to be successful in their final year.

    Our offensive execution was far ahead of our just making shots. Certainly we're still a group of sophomores and freshmen many times in terms of our execution, but our shot-making was more of a factor. You could see all the easy shots we missed at times, especially down the stretch.

    Those two are natural-born leaders, and they're only sophomores. As a credit to both of them, they've handled that challenge very well. Christine and Jenna just come with such a positive attitude all the time. That's a constant in their lives, a positive attitude. They listen and then they try to do exactly what you've asked them to do.

    The first part was getting all of the freshmen and sophomores out this year and then keeping them out. For whatever reason, we've had the glue that has been keeping them together. We're trying to capitalize on that energy and ambition and they're learning a lot.

    We can make all the excuses we want but part of it is we don't have many sophomores out there and we've got a lot of freshmen out there playing college basketball for the first time. Sometimes going through something like this gives you a comfort level the next time.

    We had a freshman at second. Every year I've had a freshman start and we're starting five sophomores. It doesn't take long for them to get into the action. Once they realize they belong the nerves are gone.

    We wanted to grind it out. I wanted to throw the ball more, but when you are ahead by three touchdowns you don't want to do that too much. What I was really impressed with was to give our seniors a break on defense, we had a couple of sophomores come in and the beat went on. One (touchdown) squirted out the back door but as far as I am concerned we pitched a shutout. It was pretty good.

    We are just a painfully young basketball team. It's excruciating at times with six freshmen and three sophomores, but they play hard, and I'd rather have that and have them mature and gain from it.

    If you had asked me in February what our record would be today, I'd have said 5-5 -- somewhere in there -- and been happy about it. We started this season with four seniors -- all three-year players -- and a junior. The rest are all freshmen and sophomores. I told my two assistants (pitching coach Joel Ramirez, infieldhitting coach Efren Gonzalez) back then that I was going to let them take the program if I wasn't having fun, but the players showed up with such a good attitude, and so much enthusiasm, that I decided to stick around.

    I'm not afraid to tell anyone I'm very demanding. I'll accept physical errors, but mental errors are what I'm trying to eliminate. When you're dealing with freshmen and sophomores, there's a big step.

    Duane Brown, who was converted from tight end Aug. 18, has won the starting right offensive tackle job. The sophomore's task in his first college start will be trying to handle N. C. State's All-ACC end Mario Williams. Looking at those guys Williams and Manny Lawson coming off that edge, you've got to have a really good athlete at offensive tackle, ... Duane Brown has got great feet for a kid his size. I think he's got the athletic ability to do it, but does he have enough experience to do it We'll see.

    We're delighted to be in this (the regional). We're really a year ahead of schedule, with seven sophomores on our team. If somebody back in December would have told me that we would be in the playoffs, I would have checked their forehead to see if they had a temperature.

    Only seven wins last year, but we lost our big kid early and we started two freshmen. This year we started two sophomores and a freshman. We played a little better basketball.

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