Quotes about sought-after (14 Quotes)

    I think of Jered as another regular guy. He was highly sought-after coming out of college. On the field, he's a great guy. Off the field, he's a great guy. We just push for each other. We kind of think of each other as friends. If we ever had to go head-to-head, then, yeah, we'd compete.

    Garnett is a ferocious pass rusher and is extremely solid on offense which made him highly sought-after in free agency. He will provide pressure up front that will help a Stan Davis-run defense dominate.

    We are truly overwhelmed this year by the number of films choosing Toronto for their world premieres. Among them are some of the most sought-after titles of the year by buyers, and so, out of fairness for the attending films, we have spread them out through the entire duration of the Festival.

    I'd be surprised if he did. Reggie Bush has the potential to become the most significant endorser in the universe of football players. But top-flight basketball players as a general rule are more sought-after.

    His versatility makes him one of the most sought-after session cats, ... His knowledge of music is vast. He is always learning new styles and is so easy to work with.

    The key step in identifying these much sought-after gamma-ray bursts is the dual combination of detection in the near-infrared and non-detection in the visible. We sincerely hope that the 60-inch will continue not detecting more gamma-ray bursts

    This is such a new market for advertisers that only some are willing to test the waters before knowing what they're getting for their money. They see the value of videogame advertising in that this is a highly sought-after demographic and difficult to reach through other media. And they'll base their decisions on some of our data that we're doing in a custom fashion. But, for video game advertising to hit critical mass, we need to have that ongoing metric. That's when we'll see explosive growth, like the 56 compounded annual growth we saw in Internet advertising, which we believe is largely due to the measurability of that medium. We think we're going to see similar types of compounded annual growth for video games once we get measurement.

    Fallen-tree video is absolutely essential to hurricane broadcasts. The most sought-after footage is, in order of ratings 1. Big tree on strip mall. 2. Big tree on house. 3. Big tree on car. 4. Small tree on car. 5. Assorted shrubbery on car.

    The lists of projected bestsellers we received from the retailers clearly cited that the scooter craze was not just a summer fad. Aside from scooters, there really doesn't appear to be any other dominating property or category this year. Compared to last year, there is a relatively wide range of items that are among the most sought-after products, from electronic dogs to finger bikes, from sports-related video games to Harry Potter.

    There were a lot of hurdles in dealing with this because he had a no-trade, but we finally got it done. Doug Weight making the decision to come here when he had a few options with other teams that he knew that he could possibly go to I really feel speaks volumes for this franchise at this point and time. And now we have the most sought-after player that was available in the league leading up to the trade deadline accepting a trade to come to Carolina, and I think that this proves that this franchise is moving in the right direction.

    Perhaps critical mass will be reached this year and next Christmas Macs will see Apple computers being the most sought-after presents. Because people tend to do things only when their peers and early adopters have tested the waters, there could be an almighty switch in the works over the next couple of years.

    What you're seeing in the Latino community is what you see in every other group in history. As they grow in numbers and in economic power, they'll be more sought-after.

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