Quotes about spacing (16 Quotes)

    The beauty of "spacing" children many years apart lies in the fact that parents have time to learn the mistakes that were made with the older ones - which permits them to make exactly the opposite mistakes with the younger ones.

    In addition, spacing out alcohol consumption will allow your body's enzymes a better chance to keep up and likely reduce toxic side effects. A simple strategy to accomplish both is to alternate alcoholic beverages with something like seltzer.

    That is what we do best, we shoot the 3-ball. We do a great job of spacing the floor. With the spacing that we have and me being able to shoot the basketball, it makes things a whole lot easier.

    We're not a high turnover team. We take care of the ball well in games. I think we're a little bit unsure offensively and everyone's trying too hard to make something happen. But we have to get better movement. In the second half, we got a little better movement and a little better spacing and we got some real good possessions.

    Less is more when it comes to color and annuals. Choosing a single color pattern carries a more dramatic visual impact than mixing and matching. And you can get more bang for the buck in terms of color and coverage by breaking the normal rules for potting and planting annuals that call for spacing them widely apart.

    When Joel is on the floor, the spacing is better because he's got a reputation that he can shoot. He is one of the leading three-point shooters in the league, if I'm not mistaken, in terms of accuracy.

    We saw how we want to play. Eventually we would like our program to be where Bellefonte is and to play that type of basketball with ball movement and court spacing and rebounding and shooting.

    He's a problem for anyone because he can rebound, he can score because of their great spacing and he's a very underrated passer out of the post. John (Thompson) has the luxury of playing him and going big or taking him off the floor and going quick. They can go from one extreme to the next because of their balance, so it makes them tough to prepare for.

    This seems like a bad idea to have two cones so close together. But it turns out that the closeness of the M and L cone sensitivities allows for an additional dimension of sensitivity to spectral modulation. Also, their spacing maximizes sensitivity for discriminating variations in blood oxygen saturation.

    They executed, they got on top of the basket. If you made a mistake defensively, they took care of it. They made us turn the ball over if we messed up our spacing on the floor. They used us on the pin down. Guys couldn't get up and get over screens. It was kind of a revealing experience for our players. You see those things and talk about those things, but we aren't able to get to that point where we can stop that sort of thing.

    The Minden prospect originated this past summer through a large acreage acquisition from a major oil company and Cabot now controls 3,500 acres over the area. We are pleased with our initial results and will remain active in this area throughout 2006. On forty-acre spacing, the prospect has the potential for 80 plus locations.

    Duke really tries to pressure the ball and get up into the passing lanes. You have to be strong with the ball. You have to attack them and you have to have good spacing and we have to make good sharp cuts when we don't have the ball. We all have to help each other out offensively.

    I've seen 17-year-old kids get rattled over things like this. But our spacing was better this time, and our defense was a lot better. We had pressure basketball and unselfish passing. We had 28 field goals and 22 assists.

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