Quotes about sparring (16 Quotes)

    He's got big traps and a short neck, ... I've seen him take a good shot in sparring. I've seen him walk through some big punches by Jeremy Williams and Taurus Sykes. His stamina in the mid to late rounds is a big question. You also don't know how he's going to respond if he gets knocked down.

    He's been doing this for 10 years, of course he gets hurt. It's a blood sport. You're supposed to get hurt. ... Every boxer gets hurt. When you come back from sparring, you're hurt.

    He is an aggressive young fighter. He came to try and prove something, which is good in some ways. I think he learned a lot from sparring with me. He got confidence knowing that if he can spar with me he is able to match it with anyone. He is strong, but he does not have full experience yet, but potentially, he is very good. He has great ambitions to go forward. With more experience, he will become more confident in himself as he learns new tricks. He needs to keep learning from each fight.

    I have put a lot of effort into boxing. This is not just a one-fight thing. I am making it my second career. I am not working eight-nine hours a day for nothing. I am 32 and just getting started, but I have the basics down. I know I still have a lot to learn. I feel I am continuing to improve everyday. I think I can take a punch okay because I have got hit pretty hard in sparring. I feel I can fight for three or four years.

    Chico hurt his ribs in sparring earlier this week. He tried to fight through it for a day or two before getting examined by a doctor late Thursday, who prescribed no training for the next three weeks to allow the injury to completely heal.

    The biggest difference between Kennedy and Nixon, as far as the press is concerned, is simply this: Jack Kennedy really liked newspaper people and he really enjoyed sparring with journalists.

    I had to get up run in the morning for 2 hours, go to the gym and also get good opponents as sparring partners because I'm a big believer in that how you train is how you will fight at least when it came to me that's how it worked.

    They only thing we've received is a DVD that basically shows her in training. She's hitting the bags and sparring a little bit. We can't tell a whole lot from watching that, but we did see a couple of things.

    I'm way more advanced this time. I've got guidance now from someone who's been in the game for 20 years and knows the ropes. I have a support team training partners, sparring partners, and all of the other things that I didn't have before.

    It just blossomed from there, ... He worked with my son with basketball. I ask about his kids and his wife, and he knows about my kids and my wife, so we call each other periodically. We are just friends. It is cool. But we knew in the heavyweight division, even after sparring with each other, we knew we are going to have to fight each other eventually.

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