Quotes about spartan (15 Quotes)

    If you want to completely tear yourself away from your home, your family and all you've ever known if you want to endure months and years of a Spartan lifestyle and a harsh disciplinary regime and if you don't mind carrying out the most menial tasks with only the bare minimum of material, then by all means join the French Foreign Legion.

    Spartan Stadium is a tough place to play. I think the attitude coming in was very positive, but with San Jose getting the first goal, and now us chasing the game, it makes it doubly hard on us in a building where you don't have a lot of space.

    Spartan is about this elite unit of the armed forces named the Delta Force. I play a protege of Val Kilmer's character, and he kind of gives me a hard time.

    Taking food alone tends to make one hard and coarse. Those accustomed to it must lead a Spartan life if they are not to go downhill. Hermits have observed, if for only this reason, a frugal diet. For it is only in company that eating is done justice food must be divided and distributed if it is to be well received.

    The ongoing construction of the stadium has continued at a rapid pace, and we're extremely pleased with the progress. It's projected to be done on time. But, in moving the San Jose State game to Spartan Stadium, we feel it gives us that extra week to assure ourselves that the stadium will be 100 percent ready.

    It's a rather spartan office structure. It's nice that it represents what our work is about. We can't have sustainable lifestyles without taking care of the environment.

    We haven't played Spartan basketball that often this year, but it's a new season. This is a very important game for us against Illinois. We're going to have to play a lot better if we're going to win.

    She's extraordinary. She listens. You tell Aisha to rebound, and she goes and rebounds. You tell her she's also a scorer, and she goes and scores. She has the biggest heart that you ever saw. And she cares more than anybody about being a Spartan.

    When it comes to basketball, it's not that hard. You gotta go out and play like you gotta play and listen to the coaching staff. You just have to go out and play hard, and we call that Spartan basketball.

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