Quotes about spicy (15 Quotes)

    Church's new 'Spicy Chicken' campaign is a case in point. Taking first-hand insights from Church's multicultural customer base, we found that the kind of 'spicy' this segment was longing for was not an outright 'burn-your-mouth' hot fare. They were looking for something flavorful, with a kick.

    Scent is the most potent and bewitching substance in the gardener's repertory and yet it is the most neglected and least understood. The faintest waft is sometimes enough to induce feelings of hunger or anticipation, or to transport you back through time and space to a long-forgotten moment in your childhood. It can overwhelm you in an instant or simply tease you, creeping into your consciousness slowly and evaporating almost the moment it it detected. Each fragrance, whether sweet or spicy, light or heavy, comes upon you in its own way and evokes its own emotional response.

    I think Nina Simone has had an amazing journey. She was spicy and she had attitude and she didn't care, she wanted her money in a paper bag and don't mess with me and I've been doing some research on that so.

    Not that long ago the idea of making a burger with jalapenos on it would have been rejected because of its limited appeal. But things have changed dramatically in a fairly short time. Salsa is America 's favorite condiment, surpassing ketchup several years ago now, and Carl's Jr. has found success in recent years with a variety of spicy burgers, chicken sandwiches and breakfast burritos, so the time seemed right.

    She what was honour knew, And with obsequious majesty approv'd My pleaded reason. To the nuptial bower I led her blushing like the morn all heaven And happy constellations on that hour Shed their selectest influence the earth Gave sign of gratulation, and each hill Joyous the birds fresh gales and gentle airs Whisper'd it to the woods, and from their wings Flung rose, flung odours from the spicy shrub.

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